The Pulse

At the very core of our being is a pulse. A necessary rhythm our heart provides in order for us to breathe. Each lung fills and contracts with oxygen with each inhale and exhale…

I have been doing a lot of deep breathing the past few weeks. A practice I am certain I am not alone in. So many unknowns… uncertainty, fear, anxiety, grief, loss and sadness. But, along with the sorrow comes gratitude, tranquility, peace, quiet, growth, joy and laughter. I can say that the last few weeks have been some of the hardest I’ve ever experienced, both personally and professionally. 

I miss the PULSE of this place. The hustle and bustle, the joy and laughter, the stories and familiar faces. The celebrations and wine recommendations; the smell of amazing stocks being prepared. I miss our side conversations, my staff, but most of all, I miss YOU, our customers. You have shown up BIG in the last three weeks. Please know that I appreciate each and every one of your carryout orders, social media love, check-ins, texts, emails and smiles from across the parking lot. It has given us a pulse again and has kept the small core team we have left going. It has given us a new appreciation during this social pause. My heart is so full from all of the love we have received. We will continue to provide curbside carry out Wednesdays – Saturdays, between 4-8pm. And, once we are given the okay to go back to dine-in services, we may continue to have an altered business schedule until we can get back into our rhythm. 

We know we are not out of the woods yet, as we’ve watched this wreak havoc on our friends, coworkers, colleagues, businesses, communities and life as we knew it. I’m not sure what it looks like when we come out on the other side of this. But, what I do know is that I am committed to YOU and my community to reopen. …To bring back my staff. To grow this business. To continue to give you the best that we can. 

Being out of rhythm is hard, but it might just help you find your pulse again. If you have a pulse you have a purpose. I found mine. Remember to breathe through this — change is hard — but this too shall pass and we will be stronger because of it.

…Until we meet again, cheers!


P.S. Here are ways to join the movement:

PROJECT FRONTLINE // Regardless of whether you share or donate, I wish you health and happiness.

HOODIES // Sport the ‘76er mantra.

GIFT CARDS // Purchase a gift card online to use now or later.

CARRY OUT // We will continue to provide curbside carry out Wednesdays – Saturdays, between 4-8pm.

Amy Piedra